Saturday, February 6, 2010

Wastin' away

Got too much time on your hands? Need to fill the mind numbing parts of the day?

I present to you, Continuity! Continuity is a great little flash game that combines running, jumping and slide puzzles.

But beware, I stayed up WAY past my bedtime trying to finish all 32 levels.

You've been warned.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

THAT'S how it's done.

Below is page one of the assembly instructions for Beemer's Winnie the Pooh Ship:

And page 2:

Seriously? I suppose I can forgive the instructions for assembly. Some people may not know where a mast goes on a ship, but how to play with the toy? Do today's kids really need to be told how to play with something? If so, this is the best they can come up with? Rock the cannon back and forth and move the crows nest up and down? Wait there's more! Try it with and without Pooh!)