Monday, November 10, 2008

Now in HD

I've decided that I'm going to start working on making this blog Hi Def. I have no idea how yet, but everything else is going that way so I might as well jump on the bandwagon too. HDTV and DVDs started it all, with radio following right behind.

This morning I saw a news story on the latest in liposuction surgery. Even liposuction is now jumping aboard the HD ship. That's right, hi def liposuction.

WTF? Do these doctors really think that adding a buzzword will make it sell better? I will admit however, it certainly doesn't sound like their using a vacuum on your ass.

And along those lines, I can't wait to get a Hi Def haircut...


Oooo Hi def magnets!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Bet you can't take just one

Lately I've noticed a another disturbing trend in drug commercials ads. Apparently getting people to take one drug for each "malady" just isn't enough. Tonight, during an hour long program, I saw two different ads for drugs to fix problems not already being fixed by the first drug.

I would think if a drug isn't taking care of whatever issue someone may have, they would stop taking it and try something else. I can't imagine adding another drug, with it's own side effects, would be the answer. I also can't believe a doctor would allow this either. I thought the "do no harm" thing was taken pretty seriously.

On the other hand, with the millions that Big Pharm dedicate to buying doctors, I can see the Hippocratic Oath going out the window. Apparently "oath" doesn't mean what it used to, if it ever did. Of course Big Pharm doesn't really care about our health, just the bottom line.

Here's hoping our new executive wunderkind can see this problem when he "fixes" our health care...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Customer Quote of the Month - November

A customer walks in with her 4 year old son, who happens to be wearing Batman gloves.

Coworker to Batman Gloved Tyke, "You like Batman huh?"

BGT, "Yeah, he's cool. But not as cool as Spiderman. See Spiderman's the goodguy and Batman's the badguy.

Coworker, "Really? Why's that?"

BGT, "They fight over the girls."

Coworker, "Why would want to fight over girls. Don't they have cooties?"

BGT, "Yeah they do." BGT then leans in and whispers, "But they also have BOOBS!"