Monday, May 31, 2010

It's called playtesting

The newest game from Rock Star, the folks who brought us Grand Theft Auto, is Red Dead Redemption. It's a western sand box shooter/adventure game. It's on my radar, but only when it comes out for the PC.

In any case, there have been a few dedicated fans that have uncovered a few glitches. I'm not talking about invisible walls or bad cameras, I'm talking about things like flying bird people, talking dog gunslingers and viscous cougar men.

What kind of play testing did this game actually get? I have no idea how much time Youtube user Wheredabootz spent to find these glitches, but it still seems like a playtester should have found them first.

While they're all slightly creepy, this is my favorite:


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How many words are in BASTARD?

A while back DrHeimlich introduced me to WordMix, available on the Droid phone. It's an incredibly addictive little word game that is one of the few apps I've actually purchased. Wordmix scrambles a six letter word, then asks you to find all the possible words. My wife loves it just as much, she always wants to borrow my phone to play while we're driving. I find myself playing a round or two almost every day, certainly more than I should be. This is certainly TMI, but it's almost a necessity in the bathroom now.

What's arguably more disturbing, is that it has started to affect my reading. Thanks to this gorram game, I can't make it more than a few pages without dissecting a six letter word I come across looking for other words. I've caught myself staring at a word on the page for a few minutes before realizing I was actually reading to read the book. Fortunately, it hasn't gotten so bad that I feel the need to put the book down, pick up my phone and start playing....YET.

In the end, I feel I must send a large nod of thanks for introducing me to this game, and an even larger nod of hate to go along with it...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Multitask Hell

Here's a "fun" little time waster. Multitask is just that, how long can you go while the game adds various tasks to keep track of.

It starts easy - balance a ball with the left and right arrows, then avoid spikes with the up/down arrows while balancing the ball. Next comes moving a square to a target in using the wasd keys while ball balancing and spike dodging, and so on....

So far I can't get above 61 seconds - about a second into the fourth "task"...