Friday, January 30, 2009

EA's got bloxie

EA recently announced the sequel to y favorite Wii game to date, Boom Blox!

It's due in the spring and will be more centered to party gameplay - which is the games strong suit, by a long shot. The game apparently will also allow user created content and online play.

The best part is that it seems that finally the blocky animals cheering you along will be interactive!

I just hope they remove the stupid shooting levels...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Even less than "Communications"

Bullocks to all those claiming that our higher education system works.

UC Berkley has introduced a Starcraft Studies course. That's right, the 1998 video game is a college course now.

Students will learn about the theory of the battles and learn the computational strategies. When I first heard about this, I kinda hoped that it would have some relevance to the real world. Sadly, it doesn't seem to. It's all about the game.

Now don't get me wrong, I would have jumped at the chance to play Starcraft for a college course. Lord knows I wasted enough study time playing it's predecessors, Warcraft I and II. However, I just wonder at the implications. It's no wonder our education system is laughed at by the world.

I love that "Calculus and Differential Equations are highly recommended for full understanding of the course". Gotta make it sounds useful somehow. Truly, I can't think of any better use for my damned calculus classes.

Note: Oops. This isn't true - just a Berkely "Decal Class", apparently a student wishlist type of thing. I knew it was too good to be.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


OK I get it!! It's a historic time. We'll soon be getting the payoff of all this wonderful hope and change (right?).

But I'm tired of all the crap to "commemorate this historic time.". Coins, lithographs, signed photos and my personal favorite: the Obama Chi-Head!

Sweet christ I wish I was kidding.

Friday, January 23, 2009

It's a boy!

Well, here we are after a couple of very long nights.

Brennen McKee joined us at 1:54 Wednesday afternoon! He's healthy and mostly happy. Thought, he had a hard day today, so I'm sure tonight will be another sleepless one.

I'm assuming the shock wears off at some point. I still find it hard to believe he's mine! But mostly I can't wait to play Wii with him for the first time. I already know that he'll kick my butt, but I'm good with that.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I got nothing

I know it's been a while since a post - been kinda crazy.

I suppose all I have to say is:


That is all...I'll check in after the fact...

Friday, January 9, 2009

Midget Switch and bulb thieves

We've recently moved and as is the case with any new places, there are quirky features. We've been amused by some and irritated by others.

My favorite is this light switch. It's a little hard to see, but the switch is about a foot off the floor. It now happens to be behind a couch. When we moved in, I couldn't figure out what it did. Recently I replaced the bulb in a light post that's in our front yard (one that was stolen as a friend had replaced it already).

Turns out this switch operates the light post in the front yard. Nice and convenient. Anyone know a good electrician?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Karoshi fun

Karoshi is japanese for "death by overwork", and apparently Japan has had it's share of workers simply dying in the office.

Sounds like the perfect premise for a flash game to me! Suicide Salaryman is just that, a puzzle game that pits you against an office. Your goal? To kill yourself of course.

It's a great time waster...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Big finger to big oil

I have to say that I love Safeway's Gas Rewards program...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Customer Quote of the Month - January

A customer had done a self-refresher session in our pool, changed in our lockers and headed upstairs. After he came upstairs I went down to close the pool and turn off all the lights. As I was finishing up, the damp diver came back down, saying, "I can't find my keys. I may have left them in the Locker room."

Me, "OK." and I wait for him to look.

DD as he enters the now-dark locker room, "Are there lights in here?"

Me, "Yep." adding silently, "We didn't have them removed in the 2 minutes you've been upstairs."