Thursday, June 28, 2007

They check in....

A few nights ago I saw 1408 with a couple of friends. If you don't know, it's about a writer that stays in an infamously haunted room (or "...just an evil f-ing room").

My wife is currently staying a 6 week stint in a hotel out by the airport, so every so often I come out to visit her for a night. I was surprised that last night I found myself having a little trouble sleeping.

The movie does a great job of being creepy, without gore and typical "Boo" moments. Apparently it creeped me out enough to keep me up. I can't really lay my finger on exactly what bothered me. Maybe it's that my wife's room is similar to room 1408 in that it has a living room that's separate from the bedroom (a layout similar to 1408's). At least it doesn't have the spooky paintings, although there is one of a boat on water, not disturbing by itself, but can be with a little imagination.
Maybe it was just that it simply was a good movie, some of the creepy things are just related to staying in a hotel room. John Cusack even states at one point that hotels are just naturally eerie.

Or maybe I'm just a wuss...


Anonymous said...

I'm voting wuss...

Roland Deschain said...

"Would you like to take advantage of our early check out program, Mr. Reed?"
