Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Feliz Martes!

This story is dedicated to Hotdrwife:

First a little background for those not in the know. She and I have an ongoing joke about me not being Hispanic (or being Hispanic, depending on whom you ask). It started with her sending me an Cinco de Mayo e-card. For some reason, lately more and more people have made comments about my alleged Mexican (even Guatemalan) background. Mind you, I'm half Japanese, so I really don't think that I look Hispanic, but so be it.

In any case, my coworker and I ordered food from the Mexican restaurant next door and I walked over to get it. While I was waiting at the counter for the food, two very Caucasian men got up from their table and headed towards me. One nodded a greeting to me as we made eye contact. When he got a little closer, he smiled and said,"That was a great meal, gracias!" (pronounced "grassy-ass").

Now, I was so taken aback that all I could manage was, "Glad you enjoyed it, have a good day." I couldn't quite tell if he was impressed with my mastery of the English language, but I'd like to think so.

Anyway, there you have it HDW.



hotdrwife said...


I sent you that E-CARD because it was FUNNY! There was a guy flashing his willie, dammit! I know you're chinese, or japenese, or dirty knees. Whatever.

But I DO find it awfully suspicious you proposed on Cinco de Mayo.

I'm not pointing fingers (southoftheborder), but ........

Sangediver said...

And it's become funnier over the years! think of all the jokes that have been made about it...

hotdrwife said...

I'm looking around and see NO ONE LAUGHING BUT YOU.

And me.

Well, that's two. I guess that's something.

How long is your wife at the airport hotel?