Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Prayer to the literary/internet gods

To the powers that be:

Last night I started Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. PUH-leez let me get through it without anything being ruined for me. If you allow me to read this book unspoiled I promise I'll read a super dull book (I'm talking Grapes of Wrath boring) and won't look at porn for a week.

I know I'm asking a lot, this is going to be impossible, probably not as impossible as some people I know (one that works in a book store and one in radio), but difficult nonetheless.

Which is why I'm willing to sacrifice so much time being bored and pornless (a great website BTW, boredandpornless.com - but I digress).

Anyway, please, please, PLEASE help me out here.


Oh, I'd also like a pony and a plastic rocket...


Anonymous said...

I'm assuming the plastic rocket will be utilized AFTER the pornless week...

Roland Deschain said...

Well, unless you have found out that on page 291 it was a magically propelled plastic rocket that kille...

See, now that would just be mean. ;-)

hotdrwife said...

I know the ending. And I've not read a single HP book in my natural born life. But I'd not spoil it for you at all.

I'm just nice like that. :)