Tuesday, July 10, 2007

TWiilight Princess

At the same time I purchased my Wii, I picked up The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. I've only now been playing it in earnest.

I now kind of regret never playing any of the other Zelda Games. Especially Ocrina of Time, which has received a top 100 of all time ranking with most video game boards (IGN - #2, Edge - #1, GameFaq - #6 (OK this was top 10 adventure games), GAF - #50). Fortunately, Nintendo has it available for download on the Wii, which will be happening on my console shortly after I finish Twilight Princess.

Anyway, I really love TLoZ:TP, it's got a great mix of action and puzzle solving. Hell I've got 33 hours invested and am only half done (even less according to the game - taking into account all the unlockables).

The Wii makes a great game even better, combat is based on how you move the remote & nunchuk. Aiming the bow and other weapons is intuitive and simple, unless you've had too much caffeine.

However, the motion sensitive controller is also my biggest complaint with the system. There have been numerous cliffs I've fallen off because I moved the controller too quickly, or scratched my nose and proceeded to swing my sword off the edge.

Also, and I know this has been said by others before, but what is up with fishing in adventure video games?

1 comment:

Roland Deschain said...

I think there should only be fishing in adventure games if say...one of the following happens:

1) You have to be the fish and escape from the fishers.

2) You have to be a fish and escape from bears hunting you.

3) You have to be a fish and escape from bears and fishermen.

4) You have to escape from bears hunting fish who are now hunting you.

5) You have to be a bear and kick some fish and hunter ass.

Otherwise, game fishing is just laaaaaaame. Especially without beer. :P

But that's just me, I may be wrong.