Friday, July 13, 2007

Skip THIS!

A short addendum to my last entry;

Why don't some games allow you to skip scenes? I'm all for getting the storyline, but it some cases it's ridiculously drawn out. Zelda :Twilight Princes is such a game. LOOOONG cut scenes that can't be skipped. If you die while fighting a boss? You can't skip the 5 minute scene to introduce the boss that just kicked your ass.

I know I'm not the only person here, I have a friend who tried Okami, a game I love. However, he never played it because it's another game guilty of long, unskippable, intro scenes. Okami's is about 20 minutes if I remember correctly.

So please, any video game designer out there that has nothing better to do than read this blog, puh-leez allow me to skip the scene. It should be my choice to watch the frakking scene or not...

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