Monday, August 18, 2008

Olympic Shame

My wife and I have been watching the Olympics fairly religiously. Mostly we've been interested in the swimming (Phelps is a frelling robot) and gymnastics.

The swimming was spectacular, and the US obviously did really well. I've also come to realize that I will never watch Olympic gymnastics again. Swimming is very definitive, the winner has a better time - pretty cut and dried. Gymnasts, of course, get a subjective score. The judges' bias inevitably shows through, especially this year.

The Chinese kicked ass at gymnastics this year, with a lot of help from the bad judging. How in the hell did the Chinese vaulter win a bronze when she didn't even land her routine? Gods I miss hockey.

Anyway, rant over. Now everyone can start questioning my manhood (Yes I still feel pretty)...


hotdrwife said...

I sort of zone out when they start to explain the scoring for gymnastics. And btw, half those girls on the Chinese team have MISSING TEETH. Bullshit that they are 16.

Robbed, I say - ROBBED!

Um, I miss football.

Unknown said...

You miss hockey? Where the judging aka officiating is nice and fair?

Sangediver said...

Didn't football start HDW? And yes, damned dirty cheating Chinese ;)

Snarky - That's an excellent point...