Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Customer Quote of the Month - March

A woman on her cell phone walks in to the store and starts to wander. She's in the middle of a conversation, so I leave her be until she's done with the call. After a few minutes of discussing her hair or some other BS, AWoHCP comes up to the counter and looks at me with a "Are you going to help me or not?" look. Bear in mind she's still on the phone having a conversation.

After a mental bitch-slap I ask her, "Can I help you find something?"

AWoHCP (barely pausing in her previous conversation), "Do you have those earplugs that you can dive with?"

Me, "Yep, they're over here." I show her where they are.

AWoHCP, "I need a pair."

Me, "OK, but they come in sizes, so we'll have to measure your ear, and fit the correct one to you." In other words get the frak off the phone lady!

AWoHCP, "Ok, then what size do I need?" She then turns her head to show me her ear and tells the person on the phone about her her overly gassy labradoodle.

I use the measuring template and select a size, but then tell her, "This should work, but you really should try it on."

AWoHCP, without a pause in her inane conversation, moves the phone to her other ear, then leans her ear toward me. At this point she obviously wants me to stick the earplug in for her.

Me, "Um, you'll have to do that for yourself. I'm not sticking my finger in your ear."

AWoHCP sighs, takes the earplug and sticks it in while explaining to the poor person on the other end of the line about how loose her gassy labradoodle's stools are. She then turns to me with a look of "Well, does it work?"

Me, "OK, now you have to hum," (BTW, I'm not just frakking with her here - it's part of the fitting process), "If it's the correct fit, you'll hear the hum louder in the ear with the earplug."

AWoHCP gives me a disgusted look and says (to her poor phone partner), "SIGH, I guess I need to go. I'll call you back." She then hangs up, hums and we complete the fitting. The rest of the transaction went fine. After paying, she hadn't taken 5 steps before she was back on the phone.

Now I'll admit I can't really remember what her conversations were about, but I do know it was all inane chatter. The conversation was certainly one that could have been paused for 5 minutes to be polite and get what she needed done. This is why I have a pet peeve of people and their cell phones. I'm all for them personally, I have one too. But I think it's incredibly rude to walk into a store while on the phone - I always try to finish my call before I walk in. Ah well, another day, another dollar.

Although I do like

1 comment:

Roland Deschain said...

You're not the only one to be over this rudeness. Lately, I've been to more than one business where the manager or clerk has outright told the idiot offender: "I'm sorry, but you'll have to put down your phone or end your call before I can assist you."

If they do, they got helped.

In the case of the one that didn't and decided to biatch, the manager considered the person a trespasser and had security remove them from the store.

At which point when I got to the counter, I thanked the manager profusely and sent a thank you note to the company's home office.

Whomever you are - if you're reading this and you do this - one day you're going to see if you can make a phone call with that phone embedded in your colon. Learn some courtesy, jackass.