Monday, May 7, 2007

2010, The year we get answers.

According to this USA Today article, Lost has an ending date!

The good news? It's a set date that the creators can work with and fit the story to - no sudden cancellations (Firefly anyone?).

The bad? It's ending in 2010. Three more seasons of 16 episodes each.

The other bad? The episodes consecutively with an eight month break between seasons - ugh.

All things considered, I think this is great news. As I said above, it means that the show shouldn't suffer from any unfinished story threads. Hopefully they'll be able to tie everything up nice and neatly. It also, hopefully, prevent any shark jumping.

I also think the executives at ABC should have a "Take a dumbass to work day" and show the execs at FOX how great shows should be handled (it's OK to give non-reality TV a chance)...

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