Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Death Becomes Her

There are rumors that Neil Gaiman, author of the Sandman comics, not to mention a couple of other great books (Good Omens - my fave, American Gods, and Anansi Boys) is planning on making his Graphic novel Death: High Cost of Living into a movie.

High Cost
is a story about...wait for it...Death. Not the act, but the character. With Neil, Death isn't the typical Grim Reaper type, she's a cute goth chick. She's the second eldest of the Endless, a family of various aspects of life in human form (Destiny, Death, Dream, Destruction, Desire, Despair and Delirium). Once a year, Death must spend a day as a mortal, to better appreciate her place in the order of things.

It's an orginal and well written graphic novel, and I hope he does it justice on the big screen...

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