Tuesday, September 25, 2007

So that's how it works

We recently bought a new carpet sweeper for the shop. After assembling it, I noticed this line out of the manual:

To Use: Push in front of you in a back and forth motion to clean dirt off floor.

Really? Is there someone out there that really needs this explained to them? If so, shouldn't they be buying something more than a $20 sweeper? I'm guessing that there's a lot more dirt than this bad boy can handle...


Roland Deschain said...

I don't know, man. Those instructions are a little fuzzy. Last time I checked, you can't push something in two directions...you have to PULL in one of them.

Flawed instructions. Everyone will be sweeping in circles forever until this oversight is corrected!


hotdrwife said...

I remember back in the 80's, they had a notice on the trays in front of you on airplanes that said, "If you need help reading this warning, please ask for assistance".

Oh really.

If I could read it already, I'm guessing I don't need help!