Thursday, September 27, 2007

Virtual Transvestites

Chinese developers of MMORPG King of the World have frozen accounts of any player that has a female character in the game. The only way to play these characters is to "proove" to the company that the player is actually a female. The company is requiring that female players proove their womanhood with a webcam.

Seems to me that this is rather sexist - there's no restrictions about females playing male characters. Besides, is there really any valid reason to require this? Is there really an issue with players thinking their actually talking to women? Is their still anyone that believes that people are honest online? I know there are female gamers out there, but I don't assume that every female character online is either a woman or as attractive as they are in the game.

I'll admit it, I've played female characters online. Not because I have any ulterior motive, it's just that if I'm going to watch a figure running from behind - why not make it an attractive behind?

Basically, I think the company's perverted execs want to evaluate the female clients "qualifications." I wonder if women can get "extra credit" for better and more revealing "qualifications"...

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