Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Fun with Coulrophobia

I have a friend that is afraid of clowns. Most of those reading this (all three) know who I'm talking about.

In fact Drheimlich blogged about this a while back (here's the blog).

Anyway I found this picture and debated about sending to this to her:

Now, I'm not afraind of clowns, but this one even freaks me out a tad - of course it is a Halloween mask, but still...

Anyway, I debated about sending this to her...for a couple of minutes.

She hasn't responded yet, and that was a couple of days ago...

1 comment:

hotdrwife said...

Dear Diary:

Never tell your friend what you are scared of. Like such things as: snakes, tornadoes, and math. He will use them against you.