Tuesday, August 28, 2007

From Cloud City to Earth's orbit

Today, Luke Skywalker's lightsaber will be handed over to NASA to be sent to space.

The lightsaber prop used in Star Wars is to be aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery when it launches in October.

The "joint announcement from Lucasfilm, the Space Center Houston and Southwest Airlines on Aug. 27" also stated that the weapon will be handed to Nasa officials by Chewbacca, some stormtroopers and "other Star Wars characters".

Pardon me, but wtf does Southwest Airlines have to do with this?

Anyway, this is both a cool thing to the small remaining part of me that hasn't been smothered by Lucas. While at the same time I have to wonder, is this what we've reduced the shuttle missions to? I mean I'm sure there are other events/research/etc. things happening on this mission, but does NASA really need a publicity stunt like this?

Though I still have to ask what the frak Southwest has to do with the whole thing. I also wonder if they'll have a severed hand attached to it...

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