Thursday, August 30, 2007


No longer do movie goers need to worry about people and their damned cell phones.

No longer will we have to rely that the nice "Please silence you cell phones now" messages actually get people to turn the damn phones off!!

Introducing the cellphone signal blocker. It's a portable unit that has about a 6 hour battery life, plenty even for most of that Lord of the Rings marathons!

The only problem is that it doesn't seem to work too well in the US, but we can hope - it may still be worth the $43.

Oh, one other thing - this may have a tinge of illegality to it as well - but is that really an issue when Gabby McTalksalot is sitting behind me in the theater? I think not.

Now if they'll only invent the "Cone of Silence" for those that just talk to each other...

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