Monday, September 10, 2007

Should I be worried?

Has anyone else noticed the number of "Are you prepared?" and "How long would you last?" commercials lately?

There seems to be a big push for the populace to be ready to survive unassisted for a period of time. Don't believe me? Check out the website.

What exactly do they know that we don't? Does this relate to my earlier question?

To answer the question of my level of preparation, I figure I'm slightly more prepared for the end of the world than I am for a zombie invasion...


Anonymous said...

Someone is paying for those ads to MAKE you afraid... all the baddies out there are going to get you. Perhaps you should give up just a few more of your civil rights to make sure they can't. C'mon... who needs free speech or privacy any more anyway?

Sangediver said...

I agree, the best way to ensure compliance is with fear...