Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Praise to the Lords of Kobol

One of my all time favorite games was X-Wing, it was as close as I could ever get to fly an X-wing fighter. It was a great game that truly captured the feel of helping the alliance defeat the Empire.

Now there's a new experience out there. It's a game being made by fans of the new BattlestarGalactica series. It's called Beyond the Red Line and it ROCKS. It's a mod of Freespace 2, a free flying simulator that's now piqued my interest.

Basically you play a noob pilot that's trying to become a viper pilot (which, fortunately, only takes a single mission). The voice acting is a bit strained at times (mainly the briefings), but that's to be expected - the voices are fans of the show. That being said though, the comm chatter during flight is pretty cool.

Gameplay is awesome, using keyboard and mouse is challenging (can't find my joystick) , but still buries you in the feel of flying a viper.

Must....go....buy...joystick now......

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