I know that everyone is afraid of something (well maybe not Ben Affleck). I also know that as a species we have to have a name for everything. Thankfully we have the Greek language to fall back on to categorize things, and with that in mind I present the Phobia List, a very impressive list of the different phobias out there.
My favorites include:
- Coulrophobia - Fear of clowns, in honor of a close friend.
- Alliumphobia - fear of garlic, I'm surprised there are non-undead that are truly afraid of garlic.
- Atomosophobia & Lepraphobia - Fear of atomic explosions and leprosy, respectively. Isn't this all of us?
- Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia - Fear of the number 666, that's just a frakking awesome word right there.
- Phobophobia - Fear of fears. Isn't that ironic?
- Proctophobia - Fear of rectums. No comment (I'll leave comments on this to the Jackal).
- Zemmiphobia - Fear of the great mole rat. Holy specific fear batman!
I am a tad scared of it's counterpart, a list of "-philias"...