Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I know that everyone is afraid of something (well maybe not Ben Affleck). I also know that as a species we have to have a name for everything. Thankfully we have the Greek language to fall back on to categorize things, and with that in mind I present the Phobia List, a very impressive list of the different phobias out there.

My favorites include:

  • Coulrophobia - Fear of clowns, in honor of a close friend.
  • Alliumphobia - fear of garlic, I'm surprised there are non-undead that are truly afraid of garlic.
  • Atomosophobia & Lepraphobia - Fear of atomic explosions and leprosy, respectively. Isn't this all of us?
  • Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia - Fear of the number 666, that's just a frakking awesome word right there.
  • Phobophobia - Fear of fears. Isn't that ironic?
  • Proctophobia - Fear of rectums. No comment (I'll leave comments on this to the Jackal).
  • Zemmiphobia - Fear of the great mole rat. Holy specific fear batman!
My favorite fake phobia has to be Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (fear of long words), there's no way this is accurate. Actually I wonder about the accuracies of a lot of them. The website claims that all phobias on the list are from some reference (not sure what that means). Real or not, though, the list is entertaining. Another interesting part of this, if you Google any of these phobias, more often than not a link to ABC or NBC news pops up. A little proof that the medias job is to keep us scared.

I am a tad scared of it's counterpart, a list of "-philias"...


Roland Deschain said...

Actually, I found a good example of irony the other day. A guy on the radio had never heard the word "luddite" and his co-host told him that he should Google it.


And seriously? There's a specific word for fear of the GREAT MOLE RAT? Not just rats in general, but that ONE version?

I'm gonna have to go look up a picture of this thing. It's gotta be hideous.

Unknown said...

My favorite is

triskaidekaphobia the fear of 13

or how about


which isn't real, but using google skills it is the best guess I can make for the fear of 17

Roland Deschain said...

People who truly have obscene versions triskaidekaphobia won't use a $1.

The Great Seal freaks em out.

I offer to take them off their hands.
Hey, it's what I can do to help.

Sangediver said...

Hmm, Snarky's favorite has something to do with numbers. Never saw that coming.

Who could possibly be afraid of the number 17.

17...I say...SEVENTEEN is the greatest number evar!

Anonymous said...

Well I found that trypophobia- is a fear of holes so I can only guess that Proctotrypophobia must be the fear of assholes.!.!.! To which I know I have and I am sure there are many of you who suffer from this as well.......