Friday, February 1, 2008


Last night was the season premiere of Lost (finally). While I loved the episode, and I really though it was worth the wait, this isn't about the episode itself (besides, DrHeimlich beat me to it).

I missed watching Eli Stone, which looked like it had promise. I didn't program the VCR to record that long (me and my archaic technology).

Anywho, I also missed the viral ad that ABC aired during Eli Stone. It was an ad for Oceanic, with interruptions by some guy talking about the missing flight 815. It's a web game designed to get people into the show more (as far as I can tell anyway, here's the link).

My friend Roland participated in a similar game last season that was ridiculously hard (candy wrappers fro Australia were used), but sounded like fun. So far this seems like a much easier version, it's all been on one site and not too hard. Though I say this only a chapter into the game.

These are the kinds of viral marketing I love, and wish more companies would do. Because I apparently have way too much free time...

1 comment:

Roland Deschain said...

And believe me...that Wiki about The Lost Experience from 2006 is so painfully watered down that it can't possibly convey how hard parts of it were. You had to watch for random Sprite ads in theatres. The candy from Australia. People had to hack websites and decompile flash movies.

Yet oh so very cool when you got the whole story about the Hanso Foundation at the ehd!

This one is MUCH simpler in comparison. You can start at any time and you're not excluded if you've missed past portions of the puzzles - you can just catch up. (Unlike last time where you just had to research what you'd missed and moved on.)

Similarly, if you watch the commercials for the movie Vantage Point during Lost, they're doing something similar for prizes.

I've really gotta avoid these damn things. They suck my time away way to easily. :P

Namaste. ;-)