Monday, February 11, 2008

Hospital "Care"

I've spent the last few days at the hospital, and have come to realize something. Hospitals aren't really that good at taking care of people. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that they don't care for patients, they just seem to be missing a few key points.

For instance, people that are healing need sleep, especially those that are recovering from major surgery. But can patients sleep? Nope. In the 2 days I spent at the hospital, no more than 20 minutes went by before some nurse or assistant came in to check how she was doing, measure vitals, give her drugs, etc. I know that these are all necessary and part of good medical care, but can't they time these visits together? My wife was ecstatic that one night she got a whole hour of sleep without being woken (awoken?).

I also think that I would be better at placing IVs than some of the nurses. I watched one spend 5 minutes digging around in my wife's arm looking for a vein. Granted there are some that are really good at it. Shouldn't those people teach those that suck at it how to do it right?

Really I'm just grumpy because I couldn't take a nap longer than 20 minutes...

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