Sunday, February 10, 2008

Fly the Friendless Skies

United announced last week that they are implementing a new baggage policy. It will now cost you $25 for a second carry on bag. Nice...

Thank the gods not every industry continues to increase costs while lowering services. The airline industry is one of the only industries that can charge whatever they want without actually having to deliver the service purchased. If I buy a DVD at Best Buy, I get the DVD. If I pay a plumber to come and fix my toilet, I get the toilet fixed. Airlines are a whole different ballgame, buying an airline ticket is almost a gamble these days. Usually you get where you want to go, but there is a real chance you may not, and a greater chance that it will be much later than you planned.

So now, United is going to charge every domestic traveler with a second bag $25 extra at check-in. United claims this will help set off rising fuel costs, and lower overall weight costs. Oh and generate an additional $100 million dollars, how convenient.

Maybe now they can afford a gorram meal for passengers...


Roland Deschain said...

There's one other part they really haven't talked about at all in addition to the $25 for the 2nd bag.

Don't you DARE bring a 3rd bag.

That one will cost ya an additional $100!

And people wonder why I drive. Can't much use that "it's cheaper" gig anymore on me.

hotdrwife said...

Fuck United.