Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Cookie Fishing

Arthur Benjamin is a "Mathmagician". He does some freaky-fast computations in his head. Knowing a few math majors I felt I should share this (thanks to Morgan for the link).

Obviously he's involved with satanism, since math is the work of the devil.

Alright Snarky, what in the sam hell is Cookie Fission (other than a great band name/website)?


Unknown said...

I can't tell you what Cookie Fission is... and now I have to find that guy and kill him for saying it out loud.

I'll have to consult the manual to remember if I need to kill you too.

Sangediver said...

I should be safe, considering that my memory is only slightly less reliable than yours.

So, since I won't remember what cookie something is in a few days I should be safe...

Roland Deschain said...

And by the way, trying to Google it doesn't work. All it does is bring up the video as the first result and this blog as the 2nd and 3rd result. ;-)

I'd say that speaks highly of death being required by the manual....