Friday, July 25, 2008

Evil Tomat...Jalap...Oh screw it, just BE AFRAID

The great and terrifying Salmonella has risen it's ugly head again. This time "experts" think it's from jalapenos. A couple of weeks ago it was tomatoes.

Anyone else finding this ri-god-damned-diculous? Remember that this jalapeno "warning" came out weeks ago? I'm sure that pulling jalapenos from shelves now will help a lot.

Oh and this just in; Cell phones cause cancer - again. Nevermind that this was "announced" about 15 years ago. Anyone have cancer from cell phones yet? Didn't think so.

I hate the press...


Roland Deschain said...

I love the "cell phones cause cancer" one. Really? How are you going to do the scientific due diligence with THAT? New cell phones put out like a watt or two of power.

Have you stood next to a microwave lately? You have? That puts out MAGNITUDES more. Have you worn headphones for your iPod? Again, more power. Sat in front of a CRT monitor or TV today?

I think the only thing that causes cancer here is the media. It's just as likely to be true and provable.

Roland Deschain said...

And in my world, there should ALWAYS be a warning on tomatoes that they're dangerous. ;-)