Monday, April 30, 2007

A question for the misses

The other day I was in a bar that had a unisex bathroom. I like to think that I'm fairly well trained, and always lift the lid and then put it back down (although I've always thought that it's not my fault if some one doesn't look when sitting - you look behind you when backing the car up don't ya? ;) ).

Anyway, it made me wonder about what I should really do in that situation:

  • On the one hand I know that it's polite to put the seat back down in case the next person is a woman.
  • On the other, if it's a guy I would think that it would be better to put the seat up. I've seen the results of poor aim, and it disgusts even me. I can't imagine that it's better to deal with a wet seat than laying the seat down.
Basically that's my question; up or down, wet or falling in?

These are the things I think about while peeing...


hotdrwife said...

Personally? Could effin' care less. I need to pee. I'll either kick it down or squat anyway.

But ... I had this NASTY encounter while in DC. Went into the unisex bathroom. A WO-MAN had just gone out ahead of me. I walked in, and I swear on everything that is holy, she had peed ALL OVER the floor, the toilet, and on top of ALL of that, didn't flush. Nada.

I cared then, and only then.

PS. beer. soon.

Sangediver said...

I went with the - leave it up, putting it down is less effort than squatting theory.

Of course I've seen the aim of drunk men, squatting may not help...