Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Brokeback Dumbledore

To add to the controversy of the Harry Potter books, J.K. Rowling announced that Proffesor Dumbledore is gay last friday. This adds a lot of meaning to the parts of Deathly Hallows when dumbledore talks about Grindelwald.

While I applaud her for mixing it up with her critics, I have to wonder if there aren't ulterior motives.

Why didn't she out Dumbledore in Hallows? My guess is that it would have effected (affected?) the sales of her final book. Or is it her final book? Could she intentionally be causing more controversy to help her out down the road?


1 comment:

Roland Deschain said...

This is one of my big problems with authors. Unless you're gonna write it into the book and make it part of the story...shut up. Especially after a series is done. This could have been made into a plot point and an interesting substory instead of another 200 pages of bloody Quiddich. But to wait until all the books are done to mention this? Just to become relevant and trendy in society to provoke conversation? Please.