Monday, October 15, 2007


Last Thursday some friends and I went to the 26th Annual Great American Beer Fest. This is the biggest beer tasting competition in the country, with 1500 beers available to sample. Some were great, and some were less so.

This is the fourth or fifth time I've gone, and each year it's more of a disappointment. Don't get me wrong, we had a lot of fun, but it's simply not worth the cost to be there.

Tickets cost $45 each (for the cheap night), plus StickittoyaMaster's fee of $6 per ticket. I said it last year, and I'll say it again, (this time in writing):

This was the last time I'm going. $51 can buy a lot of beer and food at any bar or restaurant. In past years there was even a little bit of nudity, something that was missing this year (or at least I missed). Still the $300 that we paid to get in can buy a lot of beer at a strip club.

I do enjoy potentially trying thousands of beers, but the problem is that I can never remember which ones I liked, and which ones I couldn't spit out fast enough. Unfortunately the latter tend to stick in by brain, so when I'm at the liquor store I see the name and think, "I think that was a good one." Only to have a six pack of crap in the fridge for months.

Like I said, we had a good time, so I suppose it was mostly worth it, mostly....


Roland Deschain said...

Oh and don't forget the shafting for food! The $7 personal pizza from Old Chicago, the $2.50 soda and water, and the $6 hot dog! The only place that makes buying food at a ballgame look cheap.

But amen brother, I agree with you. Last time. Next year we can just go on a spree of beer and strip clubs.

Hooray beer!

Sangediver said...

Be glad you didn't have a $6 COLD bratwurst.

So yes,yes. Hooray beer!

And Hooray Strip Clubs!

(To hell with waiting till next year, let's do that now!)