Saturday, October 27, 2007


I can only assume this is to prevent skate punks from grinding on the rail.

But it seems the silver nubs along the rail would have doen fine for that - the big loop seems unnecessary...


Roland Deschain said...

Eh...either way. If a big metal loop helps to turn them into castrati and out of the gene pool, so much the better.

AND, it will provide for hours of entertainment on those sports blooper and injury shows that are always on ESPN and the like.

I'm seeing absolutely no downside.

Anonymous said...

The downside is... it is too damn big. Even brain-dead skate-punks can see it a mile off. While it is perfect for accomplishing the company goals of keeping the kids off the rail and preventing lawsuits, it is almost completely useless for the much more smurfy goal of injuring skate-punks. I'm thinking if the rail is bearing more than a certain amount of weight a section folds down leaving impale-y goodness for the deserving.

Snarky Smurf

Sangediver said...

OR it has a little flip mechanism to fling the punks about 20 feet into the air!!