Sunday, October 14, 2007

Mixed Bag

For those not in the know, the Colorado Rockies are in the running for the World Series, and have been kicking boot-ay. Friday night the game went until 1 am or so, but they pulled it out in the 11th inning.

On a not-so-good note, the Avs made a poor showing. They lost 1-4 to the Blues. The reason they lost IMHO?

The frelling coaching staff keeps giving Theodore chances, and the results are always pretty clear, as we saw Friday night. Less than 2 minutes into the game, the Blues scored and set the tone for the night. What I don't understand was why "Three-or-more" (to quote Snarky Smurf), wasn't pulled, they didn't hesitate to pull Budaj after three goals. Yet they gave Jose the chance to give away more goals?

I know that the Colorado Staff feels the need to justify Theodore's huge contract, put it seems to me that if they keep putting him in, we'll keep losing. Wouldn't it be better to leave him on the bench and wait out his remaining contract (I guarantee no one will trade us for him), then drop his worthless ass.

On a better note, Saturday the Avs played again. This time they put Budaj in and, wait for it, we won! I suppose you could say that we were coming off a bad loss and were fired up. That may be partially true, but Budaj had a save % of .96, compared to Theodore's .826 (with almost identical shots against). Joe Sakic's hat trick may have had something to do with it too.

Bottom line, Yay Rockies, Boo Theodore, Yay Budaj, Yay Sakic...

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