Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Inconvenient to the Truth

A coworker turned me on to this website. It's an article written by Christopher Monckton, a former British advisor to Margaret Thatcher. The article is a refute to An Inconvenient Truth,
Al Gore's self-fellating movie about the global warming "problem".

When the movie came out, my first reaction was, "What the frell does Gore know about global warming?" and "This is a great publicity stunt for him." To which the answers are, "Jack-scheisse" and "Ayup".

I'll admit, I had no desire to see this film, and never have. I don't need a hypocritical ass telling me how I should change my everyday habits. After reading the above article though, I'll probably watch it now, with this article as a reference.

Anyway, Lord Monckton's article takes Gore's movie point by point. While I'm sure that this paper is just as right-wing as Gore's movie is left, the points it raises are good ones. As always I'm sure the truth is somewhere in the middle.

I don't mean it to sound like I don't believe in global warming, I simply don't know. As with all major controversies the facts get buried in political ideals and emotions. I can say that despite the claim of "undisputed facts" of global warning, there are a lot of disputed facts. By no means do all scientists believe global warming is an issue.

I still say it was a great move of Gore's to advance his career, no one can convince me he knows jack or shit about global warming, but suddenly he finds himself with a position in the British government.

And to everyone that argues "He must be right, he won a Nobel Peace Prize." I say, so did Arafat, and Hitler was a nominee. The Nobel Peace Prize is hardly more meaningful than winning an Oscar. Remember, the commitee that selects the winner is a whopping 5 people, hardly a fair and impartial group. Hell, President Bush received a nomination, as did Stanley Williams (founder of the Crips street gang) and singer Bob Geldof. For God's sake Bono got a damned nomination. Plus, let's look at who didn't win, Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Pope John Paul II and The International Solidarity Movement.

Bottom line? Gore's a self-motivated, publicity seeking asshat. Someone whom I'm apparently supposed to change my life for? Suck it Gore...

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