Thursday, March 20, 2008

Drugged out

A few mights ago I started (and finished) a book recommended to me by my mother. It's called The Pandora Prescription, by James Sheridan. It's a book that supposedly went through a lot of banning troubles before it was published. I say supposedly because there's a lot of talk that the "banning" was merely a publicity stunt. While I can see this, it doesn't diminish the facts the book presents. I was told that the book was originally a non-fiction book that no one would publish. In order to get publishing, the author rewrote it as a fictional story. What I find interesting as that googling the book pulls a lot of sites that have been suspended or removed. However, this is possibly part of the "publicity stunt".

The book is about a medical conspiracy that's been happening for over 50 years. A compound called Laetrile was developed in the mid-1950s that showed promise of being an effective treatment for cancer. Laetrile is a processed version of a substance found in fruit seeds, namely apricots. This leads the pharmaceutical companies to cover it up, since no one can patent a fruit seed, and no money can be made from it.

The book is interesting (which led me to read it in one night), but not well written. The facts that are presented are very thought provoking, which is the main point of this post. It's painfully obvious though, that the book was meant to be non-fictional. The characters and writing are extremely forced. It's also apparent that the publishing house is in desperate need of a editor that knows English as their primary language. Many times I'd have to reread a sentence because it didn't make sense, only to realize a couple of key words were missing. There were misspellings, spaces missing between words and improper punctuation. If this was truly meant as a fictional adventure, I'd have burned the book. However, all of these "mistakes" lend more credibility to the facts presented. Again, it was obviously meant to be a different book.

And now for my rant. The cancer industry employs more people than that have or die from cancer. It's a multi billion dollar industry. It's no wonder that they would want a "magic bullet" cure covered up. The pharmaceutical industry is the leading powerhouse behind most cancer "research". Which seems like a conflict of interest to me, if cancer is cured, that's a huge chunk of most pharmaceutical companies income. What CEO would lose sleep over a few million deaths if it meant a higher profit margin for themselves and their stockholders? Not many.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a true conspiracy nut. I do, however, think it's naive to take the government at it's word. The FDA and AMA are constantly under fire for shady practices, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least that they're heavily influenced by pharmaceutical companies. When was the last time you watched TV (without Tivo Dr H) and didn't see an ad for some miracle drug or another? Cholesterol drugs have been shown for a while to cause more damage than they help, yet there are half a dozen different cholesterol drugs marketed to us every night.

The bottom line is that while I can't say that I believe everything that this book presents, I believe a lot of it. Just like the oil companies, the pharmaceutical cartel doesn't care about fixing us. It's about selling a drug that covers up the symptoms, that also happen to cause other "side effects" that can be "fixed" with more drugs. BRILLIANT!

End of rant, thank you for your time...


Unknown said...

Just like the whole child vaccinations causing autism thing.
FDA: "These people are making this up and are all crazy UFO chasers"

Oh whoops turns out there might be some truth to it.,8599,1721109,00.html

There isn't anything (and I literally mean ANYTHING) that I would put past a scumbag CEO (and since the corporations own the government... the government) at this point if it meant and extra dollar, let alone an extra million.

Unknown said...

Hmm... link too long to follow, Snarky too lazy to figure out how to HTML it. I guess you'll have to google.

Sangediver said...

Yep, damned dirty apes.

My favorite drug commercial doesn't tell you what it is or what it does, to to "Ask your doctor if drugX is for you."

The FARK??

I've begun to believe Big Pharma is more evil than Big Oil

DrHeimlich said...

When was the last time you watched TV (without Tivo Dr H)


Okay, gimme a second...

It would have to be...


Are we counting Super Bowls? Cause then I actually watch the commercials. Oh, but I suppose I use the TiVo to actually skip the game, so that doesn't count.

In that case...


Well, I think I bought my TiVo in 2004? So, four years ago.