Saturday, March 8, 2008

Stephen Parking

It's been a while since I parked at the Pavilions downtown. A few nights ago I parked in the underground structure for the previously mentioned Bowling/Art show.

The Pavilions has recently given up on hiring live parking attendants in favor of an automated one. I suppose this makes sense, you don't need to pay anyone and it HAS to help with getting out after a movie.

What I found interesting was the voice they chose for the machine. Steven Hawking is apparently supplementing his income by selling his distinctive electronic voice.

OK, I know it's probably the standard computer voice that a lot of machines have, Mr. Hawking's included, but I found it amusing. Of course it was more amusing than it should have been after the beer at the aforementioned bowling alley.


Roland Deschain said...

That's funny - I've always had a validation there from the theatre, so I've never had the joy of those machines. And the voice at the gate telling you what to do is the polar opposite...just a normal guy voice.

Sangediver said...

Exactly, so why the fake machine voice?