Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Good Kind of show

The series of books I'm presently reading is apparently being picked up to be a TV series by ABC/Disney. It's a long series (eleven books) by and I've enjoyed it so far (Snarky, you'd like it). Plus I have the satisfaction of it being completed. The most recent book, Confessor was released last November.

Anyway, Sam Raimi is going to direct it and it's been greenlit for 22 episodes. Both are good things, so I should be excited. Should be. What makes me hesitant is that it's been picked up by CBS/Disney. It's not exactly a Disney type of book, what with the raping, betrayal, murder and such. So I find myself worried that it's going to be Disney-fied to the level of pure suckage.

Roland, please tell me I'm wrong to be nervous. Puhleeez?

1 comment:

Roland Deschain said...

I'd say that you have reason to believe that Disney/ABC wouldn't screw it up as they are only the producers and Raimi himself got the rights to do the show.

By the same token, I have not read any of the books - so I don't know what their tone is like. I'd just say...remember that Sam Raimi made Hercules and Xena - and that is how these are being compared...