Saturday, December 8, 2007

Flying Monkey Piracy

A couple of nights ago I picked up Zach & Wiki: The Quest for Barbaros' Treasure. The reviews have all been good and I was curious.

Turns out that I'm glad I did. The first night My wife and I played it for about 5 hours, which I took as a good sign that I like the game. It's an adventure game, something that I've been missing. It's been too long since I enjoyed some point and click adventure goodness. It also reminded me that this is my favorite gaming genre, but that's beside the point.

Zach is a member of the Sea Rabbits, a notorious band of pirates. Wiki is a flying monkey thing that helps Zach with his adventures. The first chest he finds releases the golden skull of the renowned pirate Barabaros. in exchange for helping him reassemble his body, Barabaros agrees to point Zach to all of his treasure holds. It's quirky, cute and a lot of fun.

The puzzles are well thought out, and are challenging when they should be. Each problem has multiple solutions, which allows for a lot of experimenting. The more creative the solution the more points you get.

The other thing that makes this game fun is the use of the Wii remote. Like Warioware, the use of the remote mimics the actions in the game - to use a saw you making a sawing motion, need to ring a bell? Shake the remote like a bell.

If you're looking for something entertaining and different for your Wii, this is a good bet. Just be sure to secure that strap - the music mini game is a bitch!


Roland Deschain said...

Sounds interesting! Almost addictive to the weird level of how for a while we were all playing Katamari Damacy. :P

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Sangediver said...

Christ, now I'm getting spam on my blog!