Sunday, December 16, 2007

The very bad Dr H.

My friend told me about the next Terry Brooks series The Genesis of Shannara. It links the Word/Void series to the Shannara series. What he failed to tell me was that it's a series in progress.

So now I've read the first only to find out that the second of the series has just been released. So basically Dr Heimlich is a very bad man. Especially considering that Terry Brooks loves mid trilogy cliffhanger endings.

On a brighter note, I started The Sword of Truth series a few months ago by Terry Goodkind. I went into this one knowing it's an eleven book series (unfinished at the time). I'm happy to announce that the last book Confessor, was just released. I really enjoyed the first book Wizard's First Rule, enough so that I would have recommended it but couldn't at the time. I now can do so with a clear conscience since the series is now complete.

Bad DrHeimlich, BAD!!!


Roland Deschain said...

LOL...this is almost why I don't listen to any of the book recommendations in our group. They're all like a venus flytrap...evil and you don't know what's going on until you're sucked in and it's too late. :P

DrHeimlich said...

Let me feebly try to defend myself...

First, I think I simply said I liked the book. I didn't know you were data-mining me in search of something to read. :-) I would certainly have warned you otherwise.

Secondly, he's actually just completed work on the third and final book of this set earlier this month. I won't be published until next August, but it is done. So you will have closure, and a hell of a lot sooner than we will on any of the other series we're lost in.

I do hope you actually enjoyed the book, though.

Sangediver said...

AS much fun as it is to harass you Dr, I did enjoy them both!

Good recommendation