Monday, December 24, 2007

Red Ring madness

So my "pusher" Ash lent me his Xbox 360 to try Assassins Creed (which I like and hate, but I'll talk about that later), and he also wanted to pick up Rock Band. I picked up Rock Band for him on Friday and we broke it open that night. We had a great time playing it until the wee hours of the morning (4am-ish).

Anyway, after playing it all night Friday night, and then playing it some Saturday night things were looking fine.

Last night I went to play it and the frakking thing gave me the "Red Ring of Death". So here I am with my friends broken Xbox and a useless Rock Band game. For a while I was thinking I'd be buying him a new Xbox for Christmas, UGH.

Well after unplugging everything and turning it back on, everything was OK - apparently there are multiple "Red Rings of Death", varying from "unplug and reboot" to "You now have a $400 doorstop". After looking into it today I even found people that have found a "fix" for the latter. Bsically you cover it with some towels, let it overheat, turn it off and VOILA! Reparo.

Microsoft sucks...

1 comment:

Roland Deschain said...

I'm sorry, seriously? The solution is to put it inside a turban, throw it into the desert, let it pretend its a dying camel and VOILA!?!?!??!

You've gotta be bleeping kidding me.

Isn't that like saying that to cure frostbite you should pack the limb in snow until you can't feel it and voila???

Ay yah!