Thursday, December 6, 2007

Puzzley goodness

So for all those math and puzzle geeks out there, here's a site that does a weekly math puzzle.

Some aren't so hard - others I had to do it a couple of times (speaks to my math skills eh?)

Oh, and a quick tip:

Don't attempt them in a bar after a few beers. That increases the difficulty by a lot. I also wouldn't attempt them while at the aforementioned bar while a gaggle of cute servers are sitting with you - makes you look like a bit of a geek.

Not that I need help with that...


Roland Deschain said...

Yeah, I don't think we can ever do worse than that again. Having had a couple beers...surrounded by 4 hot female servers...and we're doing a MATH puzzle.

I'm sure there should be a punishment involved in that.

Oh right.

I went home alone.

Duly noted. ;-) j/k!

hotdrwife said...

Um. It was probably only because after so many beers, you have to get up and pee a lot.

Read: Get up, go to bathroom, bang head on bathroom mirror, wondering why God has made you His own personal chew toy by having a math quiz plus four hot servers at your trouble, then head back to table and feign SmallBladderItis.

Or something.

Sangediver said...

Comments regarding "smallbladderitis" and me will begin in,
