Wednesday, May 28, 2008

and NOW a warning?

The other night yet another commercial for a drug made me chuckle. It was for an arthritis medicine that I won't name. What amused me about this was that the ad didn't waste time telling me how great it was. No, it spent 60 seconds telling me that the benefits out-weigh the risks involved in taking it.

Obviously the side effects are serious and have been causing hesitation to take this particular drug. Any drug that needs to take that much time trying to convince me to not worry about the serious side effects, I don't need.

Have I mentioned I hate pharmaceutical companies?

1 comment:

Roland Deschain said...

I'm sure there's a drug that will cure your hate of pharmaceutical companies.... ;-)

Oh, would you like a bottle of water?
It's cool and clear and free and he's almost taking the bai..I mean bottle... >:)