Friday, May 23, 2008

Ho-humberry Street

I recently finished the second film on my Horrorfest 2007 list. This one is called Mulberry St. It's about a plague that breaks out in Manhattan. Not surprisingly, this pague turns the movie into a zombie horror survivor flick, sort of. They're not really zombies but something more beastial - and ridiculous.

Anyway, I found myself bored and awaiting the "over the top" graphic nature. Again I was disappointed. This film had fewer disturbing moments than Attack of the Clones. Unlike Deaths of Ian Stone, I didn't even really like this movie. It was a tad too "artistic" for my tastes. I found myself wanting to fast forward past all the artsy-ness, it really sdid nothing but slow the movie down.

I have to think the only reason this film didn't make general release was because it's really not that good.

Ah well, on to Borderlands...

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