Friday, May 30, 2008

Tai Chi-chis

Found this DVD while looking for some beginning Tai Chi videos. Its Totally Nude Yoga and Tai Chi. That's right, somebody out there got their porn all over my Tai Chi.

Isn't Tai Chi is supposed to be a meditative and relaxing exercise? Somehow I find it hard to believe that any male would be able to relax watching this. On the other hand I'm sure it would be pretty easy to get my "chi" flowing.

My favorite part of the link above is a site dedicated to real martial arts. The review actually takes this DVD seriously, critiquing the postures and technique of the women. Something tells me that they kinda missed the point...


Anonymous said...

...What you don't find NAKED women moving together to be a meditative and relaxing exercise!?!?!?!?!?!?

I cant think of a better way!!!!!!

oh YEAH!!!!!!!!

Sangediver said...

I don't think "meditative" and "relaxing" mean what you think they mean ;)

Roland Deschain said...


Legitimate porn.

"I'm not watching porn, honey...I'm doing Tai Chi!"

How is this NOT a brilliant idea???? :D

Sangediver said...

Except she didn't buy the "I'm reading the articles honey." either...