Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Army of Two

I recently finished Army of Two with a friend. We "bought" it thinking it was a short game, all the reviews out there claims it's length was on par with the crap on ice that is Halo 3. Well, either all those reviews were based on the retarded difficulty, or Ash and I suck royally. The game took us twice as long as we thought it would.

Anyway, the game isn't bad. It's got some decent multiplayer aspects. a lot of the game play requires players to work together. Certain enemies must be facing one player in order for the other to get a killing shot. These are the "bum shooting" enemies Yahtzee talks about. Most of the time it works well. My only question is why two characters that are able to rip an aircraft carrier bulkhead door off its hinges are slowed down to a crawl when carrying a women that may weigh 100 pounds soaking wet? The Hell?

Physical discrepancies aside, the game is fun to play with another, but not so much alone. My biggest ocmplaint come from the final boss. Just like Timeshift, the game builds up to a final boss battle with the big bad. Only to have the "final battle" resolved in a cut scene that the players have nothing to do with. Complete laziness on the part of the game designers. This game showed the big bad jumping into a helicopter behind a massive chain gun. I was expecting to have to hide, shoot and hide again to defeat the boss, but no - the game saved me the trouble and killed the boss without so much as a "By your leave" from me.



Roland Deschain said...

hehe...strategically placed quotation marks... ;-)

Sangediver said...

I know not what you talk about...

DrHeimlich said...

I'm sorry... all we have is untimely death!

Roland Deschain said...

I'll have the cake please.

Sangediver said...

The Cake is a lie!

Roland Deschain said...

There are cakes and biscuits.

One is a tasty, sugary, treat.

The other is a lie.

There, fixed that for ya. ;-)
