Sunday, April 27, 2008

Castle DWiifense

I'm pretty excited about the upcoming Wiiware title, Defend your Castle. Basically it's a simple game where you stop stick men invaders from attacking your castle. Here's the trailer. What really intrigued me is the multiplayer stuff at the end of the trailer. Holy crap!

Chances are it's not going to be too expensive (it is Wiiware after all), so how bad could it be right? This kind of stuff is why I'm excited to be a Wii owner...


DrHeimlich said...

This does look like it could be fun for a simple little game.

But the music they're using in this trailer is preposterous. It reminds me of Blizzard's April Fool's Day joke this year.

Sangediver said...

I agree, but the kitten noises made up for that a bit...