Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hubba Montana

I hate living in a puritanical society. The latest uprising against Miley Cyrus is re-goddamned-diculous. When I finally saw the photos that everyone was so upset about I laughed out loud. For those that haven't seen them, there are two that are stirring up trouble for the young Disney star. Here they are:

While I'll admit the photo on the left could be considered risque, especially considering that she's 15, how is it different if she was shot in a bathing suit? That would show as much skin as she is here. Would people be in such an uproar then?

The complaining about the photo on the right is what really bugs me. She's wearing clothing that's popular now with every other girl her age. What over protective parent is going to have a fit over that photo? You can see more skin walking downtown. Obviously her dad didn't think anything of her outfit.

Miley released a statement saying she thought the photos were artsy, not racy and that she's embarrassed at the end result. Good for her, way to add some damage control. Personally though, I think that the big hoo-ha is a bunch of gorram crap.

I will admit that my feelings on this sort of thing may change if I ever have a daughter. Then again my daughter will be locked in the closet until she's 30...

1 comment:

Roland Deschain said...

Uh huh. Love how Disney makes such a hub bub about this yet uses underage models in their underwear overseas on the downlow, huh? Little hypocritical...