Sunday, November 18, 2007

Drive away ATM

Yesterday we stopped at my bank's ATM to make a deposit. We pulled up behind a car that had stopped so far away from the ATM the the driver had to get out of his car to put the card in. He then fumbled punching the keys and finally got his cash, all while on the phone.

We pulled up and and the first screen I see is, "Would you like another transaction?" It took me by surprise, because it meant that not only did the guy ahead of us not finish the transaction, but left the card in the machine. I ended it and tried to flash the guy down, unsuccessfully. Fortunately he only pulled into the lot of the 24 Hour Fitness about 200 yards away. My wife grabbed the card and ran over to him. He claimed that was the last time he got cash while on the phone, as if!

In any case, it made me wonder something. How many people would have taken money out without hesitating. Or failing that, at least hesitated and debated it.

I'm not saying that I'm a saint, by any means. I've done my share of things I'm not proud of, to say the least. Maybe it's just the crowd I hang with, but it seems that the people that would just take money are in the minority. They're just a better publicized minority.

Or maybe I'm a tad delusioned...


Anonymous said...

Like I said before, it's not our thoughts, but our actions that define who we are!!!! Good on you!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you resisted temptation for the simple reason that I think your face/license plate would be on film as the guy who helped himself to that phone-talker's mon-ay. Then, assuming he would (a) notice and (b) get someone at the bank to actually care, you would have been in hot water.

That being said, I'm proud of you.

I feel like we're playing that Drew Carey game show (no, not The Price is Right). I think about 90% of the people would have at least considered it, with 5% helping themselves to some cash.