Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Heroic eggs and a quest for milk.

I've been listening to Neil Gaiman's Stardust and so far I like it, as I have liked all of his works. The audio book is unabridged, but I'm not sure it should be.

My biggest problem with writers like Gaiman (King too) is that they sometimes go a bit overboard with the details of the story. I don't need an entire chapter devoted to the description of the town, or house or whatever.

At one point I got to listen to a family's grocery list. That's right, I was treated to about 45 seconds of Neil reading a gorram grocery list. I know 45 seconds doesn't seem like a long time normally, but try it while someone is reading a list off to you - one that you care nothing about. Is that necessary? I'm all for adding detail to immerse the reader in the world of the book, this seems a bit over the top.

Is it just me, or does it seem that some writers pad their stories with crap like this? No matter how good the book is, I will always remember the frakking grocery list...


hotdrwife said...

I could call you and recite my grocery list to you??

Roland Deschain said...

Only as long as it's one that he doesn't care about. ;-)

Sangediver said...

A short list of words that would make a list interesting; lubricant, beer, lacy, head, oral, inflatable, electronic, or wireless.

If there are not at least five of the above words somewhere on the list - forget it!