Friday, November 9, 2007

OMFG get a life

So a good friend's blog has been getting flamed from some loser that
s ccusing him of "stealing" his name. Here's the originnal post and then the 12 year old shenanigans that followed (here).

Basically this guy (hereafter called Asshat) is attacking my friend for stealing the screenname "DrHeimlich". This guy claims to be the only Evan Heimlich, get this, in the world. Plus asshat is getting extra upset because my friend has the gall to have the "doctor" before is online name. Asshat claims to have gotten his own doctorate and is offended that someone would claim to have a doctorate online when they haven't earned it. Anyone else sensing the irony?

It kills me that there are people with nothing better to do than spend all day flaming sites. Supposedly this person isn't even a pre-teen punk, which makes it all the worse.

I suppose I can't talk too much, I am sitting here this morning blogging, rather than accomplishing what I should be doing today.

Meh, Attack of the Show's on anyway. I'll do it all after that...


Roland Deschain said...

Yeah, I put a nice response back to him after yours. LORD what an asshat.

I mean come ON. If you Google MY real name you'll find both my movie reviews as well as information on an honor student and swimmer from some Christian school in the midwest - and a guy in Minnesota who married one HOT chick.

What, am I gonna go harass them both because they have "my" name? Please.

If anything, I might go to Minnesota and claim my hot "wife."

But that's about it. :P

Anonymous said...

Go ahead... Google MY name... even all three of them together. I DARE you! You haven't got the guts. :o)

Snarky Smurf

Roland Deschain said...

Ok, I HAD to out of curiosity.

Results 1 - 10 of about 69,100,000 for...well, you.

Sadly I was expecting it to be much MUCH higher. But still a damn sight more than comes up for me!

I only get
Results 1 - 10 of about 89,800.

I think I have Google envy. LOL!

Sangediver said...

Well, you can call me a definite Second - 23,000,000 for me.

hotdrwife said...

Man, I am so bummed I missed this. I once got flamed by a bunch of angry Canadians. It was awesome.

That guy sounded like a tool. Asshat, indeed.