Monday, November 5, 2007

Napoleanic-Draconic Complex

Over the last year or so I've been reading a series called The Temeraire. It's a great series about the Napoleanic War with a twist. In the books, numerous dragon species are used to create an armed branch of the military, the Aerial Corps. The dragons are basically flying battleships, with full crews to assist in battles. The books are both well written and seem well researched (though I'll admit to knowing nothing about the Napoleanic War - except there was a short ego-maniac trying to take over the world.)

The series follows the dragon Temeraire and his captain William Laurence thru their adventures in the war. The series has four books so far, with an unknown number in the series (which is why I can't really recommended it to friends, despite it being a great series - and worth waiting for...) I'm almost done with the fourth book Empire of Ivory, and while it's not quite as action-packed as its predecessors it's still entertaining. So the dilemma is that I want to share it with friends that like this sort of thing, but don't want to get yelled at, disowned or killed.

The main reason I'm blogging about this is that I just found out that Peter Jackson has the option for the film rights to this series. This was announced over a year ago, so nothing may come of it, and I'm not holding my breath - but still excited. These books scream to be made into a movie and Jackson has proven that he can accurately translate a book into a movie.

Anyway, it's a good read that I am most definitely not recommending anyone pick up, yet. Plus, the author plays Guild Wars - so she's got me sold as a fan...


Roland Deschain said...

Let's see.

Married? Check.
Hockey season? Check.
Work? Check.
2142? Check.
Hellgate? Check.

Where did you find time to READ? ;-)

Sangediver said...

During those load screens for the last two ;)